Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Onion juice

Onion contains sulphur which is an excellent tonic for hair thinning.
.Regular application of onion helps thicken hair by improving its volume.
.Onion is a natural cure to treat hereditary hair loss.
.Several research-studies conducted on hair fall have established that onions contain great healing properties, effective in treating conditions such as androgenic alopecia or female pattern baldness.
.Onions are helpful in controlling hair problems like dandruff.
.The antibacterial properties of onion aid in treating, several scalp and hair infections caused by
 fungi and yeast.

Preparing Onion Juice

1. Food processor or Blender: Peel onions and cut them into four sections. Blend them evenly in the blender. Remove and strain through a fine sieve.
2. Grater: Cut onion into two halves. Grate both these halves over a plate. When done, strain out the juice from the grated onion, using the back of a spoon.
3. Cloth method: Collect the outer peels of the onions (try using the one’s discarded while cutting vegetables) and blend them. Put them in a muslin cloth or a thin cotton cloth and squeeze it directly on the hair or in to a bowl if you’re mixing it with some other ingredient for your mask.

DIY Onion Hair Masks

You will need to keep the onion masks on your scalp for at least 30 minutes or longer to achieve desired results. Some people may find the smell offensive, so you can rinse the hair off using a mild shampoo with rose water. Repeat the remedies at least thrice a week for best results.
Note: Before applying onion juice, test it on a small area to ensure that you are not allergic. Onion juice applied topically is said to give your hair a nice coppery shade. But, if you want to maintain the natural colour of your hair, mix onion juice with 1-2 tsp of mustard oil. The oil will prevent the color lightening caused by onions.

 Benefits of Eating Raw Onions 

Well, it is surprising to know that these vegetables that we use to add 
flavour and aroma to the dish have many health benefits. If eaten raw, 
onion and garlic can be really good for the body. Raw onions have 
sulphur compounds and essential vitamins that can be best consumed raw. 
If cooked, the essential nutrients and vitamins get lost. 
So, if you love onion salad, here are few good reasons to have it regularly.

Health benefits of eating raw onions:

Cures constipation: 
The fibre in raw onions help flush out toxins and hard food particles that get stuck 
in the intestines. If you are suffering from constipation, have raw onions.

An Ayurveda medicine for sore throat: 
If you are suffering from cold, cough and a sore throat, have fresh onion juice. 
Add jaggery or honey to the onion juice.

Remedy for bleeding problems: 
Have a bleeding nose or suffer from piles? Have raw onions. It is one simple and 

effective home remedy to cure piles naturally. To cure a bleeding nose, cut a raw 
onion and smell it for some time. The white onions can help cure bleeding problems.

Controls diabetes: 
This is one of the health benefits of eating raw onions. If consumed raw, onions increase 
the production of insulin. So, if you are diabetic, you have a good reason to munch crisp
raw onion salad regularly.

Protects the heart: 
Regular consumption of raw onion protects the heart from coronary diseases. It controls
 high blood pressure and also opens blocked arteries. This is one of the known health 
benefits of eating raw onions.

Controls cholesterol levels: 
The small herbaceous plant vegetable has a very good health benefit for obese people and
 heart patients. Raw onions control cholesterol by reducing the bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. It has methylallyl sulphide as well as the sulphur-containing amino-acids that lowers bad 
cholesterol and increases good cholesterol (HDL) levels.

Prevents growth of cancer cells: 
Onion is rich in sulphur compounds. Sulphur protects the body from stomach, colon, 
breast, lung and prostate cancer and prevents the growth of cancer cells. It also helps 
cure urinary tract disorders.

Treats anaemia: 
We often see tears flowing from the eyes while chopping onions. The sulphur-containing 
oils and organic sulphides lead to tears once it enters the nostrils. These oils help treat 
anaemia. Note that the oils and the effect of organic sulphides reduce when the onions 
are cooked. So, to treat anaemia, have raw onions.

These are few health benefits of eating raw onions. You can have raw onions in sandwiches, mix with your vegetable salad or use as toppings for hamburgers and chaats. To prevent the strong 
and pungent mouth odour of raw onions, brush your teeth and have some mouth fresheners 
like cardamom or clove. 

Hair Masks

1. Onion-Honey Mixture: Mix ¼ cup of onion juice with 1 tbsp. of honey and apply the mix on the scalp. Massage it for 15 minutes every day. Alternatively, you can also consume it orally, every day.
2. Onion-Rum Mask: Finely chop one medium sized onion and soak this in a glass of rum overnight. Strain the mixture, the next day to remove the onion pieces. Use the concoction to massage the scalp or use it as a hair rinse after washing the hair.
3. Onion Juice Hair Rinse: Add 4-5 chopped onion to 1 litre of water and boil it for about 10 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool and strain the mixture.
4. Regular Mask: Try applying onion juice every day on your hair directly for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it off.
5. Onion-Garlic Mask: Crush garlic and extract juice. Add this to the onion juice and massage it in your scalp. Leave it on for 30 min before rinsing it off.
6. Onion-Gooseberry Mask: Gooseberry or ‘amla’ is a very powerful remedy for hair loss and hair re-growth. You can powder dried amla or soak dry amlas in any oil of your choice and mash them to form a paste. You can add amla powder or paste with onion juice to your hair once a week for 30 minutes-1 hour to see amazing results.


Since this is a natural remedy, you will have to stick with it diligently for at least 2 months to see definitive results. To boost hair growth, you can also massage your hair and scalp with a mixture of olive oil, coconut oil and almond oil once a week, ideally leaving it overnight. Also, don’t forget to include onions and other fruits and vegetables as a part of a healthy hair diet.

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