Friday, September 12, 2014

start breathing better

Breathing, seems like the most innate things we do – every moment. But did you know that most people are shallow breathers and we very rarely give our body the kind and amount of oxygen it actually requires to function properly? Most importantly, breathing not only helps you stay alive, it also has a number of other health benefits. Here are 12 reasons you should start breathing better and deeper.
Releases toxins: Did you know that when you breathe out you release up to 70% of the toxins in your body? Yes, breathing is one of your body’s most effective ways to get rid of toxins, apart from urine, sweat and feces. So when you don’t breathe properly, you are effectively reducing your body’s ability to rid itself of toxins effectively.
Beats stress: Think about a time when you were stressed, worried or anxious. Do you remember your body all wound up and tense? Your muscles tightly contracted and your breathing shallow? This is your body’s primitive conditioning coming into play. But when you breathe properly and deeply, the oxygen that you inhale helps your mind think and cognate better, relaxes your muscles, tells your body that it can  get out of the ‘fight or flight’ mode and helps beat all the damage that stress normally has on the body.
Brings clarity to your mind and makes you happy: Deep breathing supplies your body with fresh oxygen, something that it needs in abundance to function optimally. When your brain gets enough oxygen it works better – making you calmer and more poised to face any problems you might have. Apart from that a clear and calm mind has the capability to make you happier as it aids in the release of serotonin – the happy hormone.
Gives you a better orgasm: Want a stronger, more intense orgasm? Try deep breathing. When you orgasm your entire body tenses up and most forget to breathe. But did you know that when you breathe you supply more blood to your penis, clitoris or vagina (whatever the case may be). This in turn makes your orgasm powerful and in fact last longer. So the next time you are having some fun between the sheets, remember to breathe in deep during your orgasm – you’ll be surprised at how intense it can actually be.
Numbs out pain:  Here’s something you should think about. What do you do when you are pain? Hold your breath, right? Well deep breathing may actually be a better option. Breathing in deep when in pain, also known as ‘breathing through the pain’, helps increase circulation to the affected area, relaxes the mind and body, reduces pain and helps in faster healing. A study published in the Heart Lung : the Journal of Critical Care{1} found that post operative patients found that they benefited from breathing techniques and experienced subsequent amount of pain relief.
Strengthens the immune system: A study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Science{3} found that people who performed deep breathing techniques likesudarshan kriya, pranayam and other rhythmic breathing techniques were found to have lower stress levels and improve their immune systems functioning. The study found that by practicing these breathing exercises for 12 to 24 weeks cancer patients had a considerably higher amount of natural killer cells (cells that kill harmful substances in the body) – thereby strengthening their immune system.
Improves the quality of your blood: Your blood cells are the main carriers of oxygen to various parts of your body. When you breathe in deeply or practice deep breathing it helps make the blood healthier as it contains more oxygen. Moreover the production of healthy red blood cells also depends on how much oxygen you are able to provide your body with. 
Massages internal organs: When you breathe in your lungs expand, pushing your diaphragm downwards. The action of the diaphragm actually helps massage the organs in your stomach, making them function better. This gentle massage helps improve digestion and beats constipation. Another great benefits is that as your lungs expand and contract your diaphragm massages your heart and lungs too. So for a healthy internal massage, try some deep breathing.
Makes the heart stronger: Deep breathing helps make your heart healthier in two ways. First, when you breathe in deep, your lungs provide your blood with more oxygen, thereby reducing the amount of work your heart has to do to circulate oxygenated blood to the rest of your body. Second, deep breathing leads to a greater pressure differential in the lungs that helps in better circulation of blood. This helps give your heart a little rest – making it stronger. Another great benefit of deep breathing is that it actually helps your heart heal faster and work better after surgery. A study published in the CHEST Journal(the official journal for the American College of Chest Physicians) {2} found that making patients do deep breathing exercises after a coronary bypass surgery actually helped improve the functioning of the heart and lungs and prevented the possibility of atelectasis (a condition where the lungs collapse).
Improves stamina: When you workout, go for a run, swim or do any activity you must have noticed that rather than physical fatigue, you stop because you are breathless. This is actually because your body uses oxygen to produce energy by burning glucose. Therefore deep breathing actually helps your lungs function better, increases the amount of oxygen you can breathe in and thereby increases your stamina.
Respiratory system works better beats common respiratory illness: Deep breathing is like a workout for your lungs. Just like our body it also learns – over time – to hold more oxygen and work more efficiently. This actually goes a long way in  preventing and relieving conditions like  sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, colds and chest congestion.
Improves the way you look: Your skin is actually a very accurate indicator of your health. Dull skin, spots and dark patches often indicate a lack of nourishment to the skin. Here is where deep breathing can help. Not only does it increase the amount of oxygen your skin gets, but also increases blood flow to the area, increases the amount of collagen produced, slows down the process of ageing and makes you look healthier.
Could help you give up an addiction: Want to kick the butt? Deep breathing can help. According to a study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Science, deep breathing can actually help you quit the tobacco habit. The study they performed found that people were able to give up the addiction after six months of sudarshan kriya and pranayam. So if you are tired of trying everything in your might to quit the tobacco habit (smoking or smokeless) try some deep breathing.

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