Friday, October 17, 2014

Home remedies

Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Hair Growth

In Ayurvedic Home remedies for hair growth, we can use many ayurvedic herbs like Amla (Emblica officinalis), Shikakai (Acacia Concinna), Reetha (Sapindus Mukorossi), Bhringraj (Eclipta alba), Manjishta (Rubia cordifolia), Rakta chandan (pterocarpus santalinus), Jatamansi (Nardostachys Jatamansi), Neem (Azadirachta indica) and others. These are some ayurvedic herbs that available in home and useful for hair growth. These are natural herbs and non toxic nature.
For dry hair mostly Amla is used, Mix Amla powder or dry Amla in cold water in the night before sleeping and use this Amla water in morning. Apply this Amla water solution to get strong, long and silky hair. You can use Shikakai and Reetha with Amla also. This herb water solution is very effective for hair growth and also stops hair fall or dandruff.
Shikakai is a good cleanser and act as a conditioner. It is also used in preparation of many anti-dandruff shampoos. Reetha has also same properties as Shikakai and it is also used as a cleanser and conditioner. Reetha also provide you shiny and silky hair.
Amla, Shikakai, Reetha and others herbs that are used in Ayurvedic Home remedies for hair growth available directly from nature. So you can collect these fresh herbs for better results. Amla, Shikakai, Reetha and other hair products those are available in solid form are used for 3-4 times. Deep these hair care herbs in water in night and use the herbs water in morning. Preserve the herbs solid extract for next use and again mix water and use next day and so on. When you thinks that effect of these herbs completely ended then you can throw this remaining solid extract like(Amla fruit, Shikakai fruit and Reetha nuts etc.)
Mehandi, Henna(Lawsonia Inermis) also used to dye hair and strengthening. It is Ayurvedic herb and we use the leaf to dye hair. To know how to dye your hair and its uses 
 Coconut oil is also good for hair growth and according to hair you can use mustard oil, almond oil, Sesame oil are also used according to hairs nature.
You can also use curd and egg on dry hair to get shiny, silky hair.
Avoid using different soap and shampoos because they contain harmful chemicals. If you want to use shampoo to wash hair then use only one brand that good for your hairs.
Hair massage or scalp massage is also very beneficial for scalp and hair. You have to take a hair massage once a week approximately.
In Ayurvedic Home remedies for hair growth, Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev nail rubbing exercise is also very useful and effective one. This Yoga exercise stop hair fall and strengthen hairs. In this exercise rub the nails of both hands with one another for approximately 15 minutes a day. You can use this exercise anywhere at any time.
Leran Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Hair Growth for healthy strong hair. If you want a quick action for hair growth then use these natural remedies.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Weight Loss

Obesity is the main headache of modern age. People that suffered with obesity expense a lot from their pocket for weight loss treatment. Ayurvedic home remedies provide you natural way to lose weight without spending a lot of money. A regular exercise and a healthy balanced diet are very necessary in weight loss treatment. There are many weight loss success stories that people share online. If you have no time for exercise in your life busy schedule then you can use ayurvedic home remedies for weight loss. The best 10 Ayurvedic home remedies for weight loss are:

Ayurvedic home remedies for weight loss

1. In the morning daily empty stomach drink warm water by mixing natural honey.
2. For fast weight loss treatment, drink lemon juice every morning empty stomach with warm water. For taste you can add Kala Namak (Black salt) into lemon water.
3. Use salad of tomato and onion daily with meal. Mix salt and Squeeze lemon extract on the salad also for better results.
4.  Prepare a Decoction  of Geloy / Guduchi (Tinaspora cordifolia) and Triphala (Mixture of equal amount of Amla, Bhibitaki and haritiki). Drink this Decoction with natural honey a spoonful to lose weight.
5. Make a decoction of Triphala, Trikatu (Mixture of equal amount of Kali Mirchi, Pippali and Adrak) and Trimad(Combination of Nagarmotha, chitrak and bidang/ biabidang). Drink this decoction by mixing Guggul (Indian Bedellium) in weight loss treatment.
6. Prepare the vegetable dish of leaves of Arand / Arandi (Ricinus Communis). Eat this dish daily to lose weight.
 7. Take reddish or Triphala churna and mix in natural honey. Use in obesity diseases.
8. Prepare the powder of Bidang/ biabidang (Emblia Ribes), Sonth (Dried ginger), upakhaar (Alkaloid), Jav (pulpy wheat) and Amla. Use this powder with natural honey.
9. Pineapple is also used in weight loss treatment. Use daily pineapple juice or slice for good results.
10. In weight loss success stories, some people recommend strawberry, apples and other water rich fruits in weight loss treatment.
These are the some Ayurvedic home remedies for weight loss or obesity diseases. The people who want to lose weight have to drink water 5-6 litre a day. Sour fruits like lemon and other citrus fruits like Kumquats, lime and orange also good weight loss fruits. Pickles are also good to use in weight loss treatment.
Also avoid junk food and Avoid Anard Juice (Pomegranate) and shuhara (Date Palms) like weight gain herbs.

Ayurvedic home remedies for weight loss

Use these natural tips to lose your heavy weight and get a fit, attractive body.

Home Remedies For Baldness

Baldness is a very common disease of hair and in this disease the patient loss hairs then normal hair fall. In men this disease occurs in extent then in case of children and women. This disease is due to skin problems or sometime hereditary disease. The people who are think a lot and always wear the tensions more likely attacked by this disease. A more common Hindi quote “Chinta chita ke samaan hoti hai” (literally worry is like a pyre) is absolutely right. In ayurvedic home remedies for baldness there are some mostly used treatments that help you in baldness problem. Check below the main ayurvedic home remedies for baldness.

Home Remedies For Baldness

1 Take the extract of green Dhania (Coriander) and daily massage on scalp to stop hair fall.
2 Prepare the powder of dried Amla / Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) and mix with coconut oil and Jasmine oil. Apply on your scalp this mixture gently to stop baldness.
3 Eat daily the cabbage leaves 30-50 gram to stop baldness. You can use cabbage as a salad also.
4 Prepare the powder of Bargad, Vat, Vad(Ficus benghalensis) Jatta and mix with lemon extract. Wash your head or scalp with this mixture and after washing massage with coconut oil to stop baldness.
5 Grind the Anar (Pomegranate) seed, leaves and outer pulps and then cook with mustard oil. Filter this solution and as hair oil massage 2-3 times a day.
6 You can also use Henna / Mehandi (Lawsonia Inermis) as a natural hair dye.
 7 Baba Ramdev also suggest an ayurvedic home remedy for baldness. Take the Yellow Wasp empty nest 25 gram and 10-15 leaves of Gudhal (Hibiscus Rosa sinensis). Mix these in half litre coconut oil and boil on a light flame. When Yellow wasp nest become black color then get down the mixture. On cooling filter it and save into a small bottle. Daily massage with this oil on scalp to cure baldness. This will help to grow your hair again on scalp.
These are the 7 best way to stop baldness or hair fall and mostly used Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Baldness. If you are suffer with this problem and looking for a cheap and effective home remedies for Baldness then you can try above mentioned Ayurvedic Home Remedies.

Home Remedies For Irregular Menstrual Cycle

Irregular menstrual cycle disorder suffers many female. Irregular menstrual periods causes due to many factors. Our lifestyle, food, catering, environment and many other things causes Irregular menstrual cycle. Abnormal periods are a menstrual cycle disorder. More common menstrual cycle is of 28 days and it affected or delay by 3-4 days after or before one month time. Regular menstrual cycle in healthy female remains for 3-5 days but it is different in some women. Some healthy women have not 2-3 days menstrual cycle according to their body. These menstrual cycle started in teenage girls from the age of 12-16 depends upon environment and catering mainly. In a healthy women, the menstrual cycle end on the age of average 45-50 years. Regular Menstrual cycle is necessary in every female for reproduction. In absence of menstrual cycle you face problems in getting pregnancy naturally.  Irregular menstrual cycle causes many health problems like stress, headache, dizziness, pain in lower abdomen. Ayurveda suggest some basic Home remedies for Irregular menstrual cycle that cure Irregular menstrual cycle.

Home Remedies For Irregular Menstrual Cycle

1 Boil 10 gram seeds of Tulsi (Holy basil, Ocimum sanctum) with water and drink. It is very useful in Irregular menstrual cycle treatment in all Home remedies for Irregular menstrual cycle.
2 Boil shoots of Neem / Nimb (Azadirachta indica) with water and filter. Drink thrice a day in Irregular menstrual cycle treatment.
3 Eat 100 gram grapes daily three times to get regular menstrual cycle.
4 Boil black Til (Sesame seed) and Gur (Treacle) with water. Use this solution 3-4 times a day to get a regular menstrual cycle.
5 In Home remedies for Irregular menstrual cycle, carrot is also used. Daily drink the juice of carrot and Chukandara (beetroot) one glass in Irregular menstrual cycle treatment.
6 Some females are suffered with excessive bleeding during period. In this case Home remedies for heavy period with clots are used. Prepare the powder of dry Anar (Pomegranate) peel or skin and mix sugar-candy for taste. Use 1 spoon one time and take this powder thrice a day. It will stop excessive bleeding during period.
7 Some female are suffered with severe period pain. This is due to pauses in menstrual Secretion. In that case daily take 4 gram seeds of radish in evening for regular 3 days. It will cure run menstrual secretion smoothly and end abdominal pain or severe period pain.
8 If menstrual cycle missing from 3-4 months in any female then use this one in all Home remedies for Irregular menstrual cycle. Prepare the powder of seeds of radish, Saunf/Sanchal (Fennel), Methi (Fenugreek) and carrot seeds in equal amount. Take 4 gram powder once with water. It will start your menstrual cycle and also relief from severe period pain.
Use these best 8 Home remedies for Irregular menstrual cycle and get regular menstrual cycle for healthy life.

How To Increase Breast Size Naturally

Every woman wants to get a healthy and perfect breast. Small sizes breast in many women a big problem and they always looking for methods to get perfect breast. A tighten and healthy breast increase your beauty. Loose breast body decrease your figure beauty and many women suffers a lot with this problem.If you the one who want to know, how to increase breast size naturally? Then try these natural home remedies for breast development.

Increase Breast Size Naturally Using Home Remedies

*Grind the unripe mango’s kernel and prepare a paste. Apply this paste on breast to get muscularity or tighten breast.
*Rinse the mustard seed into water and paste on breast to end breast disorders and to get a healthy breast.
*Take the interconnected stems and red swing branches of Indian Banyan tree (Bargad, Ficus benghalensis) and make a paste. Apply this paste on breast to increase breast size or tighten your breast.
*Some women face problems of loose breast in young age, to avoid this breast disorder daily eat 4-5 strips of garlic. This will provides you a tight and healthy breast.
*Eat sour things like lemon, tamarind, orange and others to increase breast size.
These are some common ayurvedic or natural home remedies that help to get a perfect breast.
Sore throat is a common disease and it causes due to improper diet. Sometimes it causes due to cold and cough. In winter, when we intake hot things in excess then we suffer with Sore throat. Some people affected with Sore throat due to sudden change in atmosphere and blurt out. Intake of Excess of sour things also causes sore throat and Hoarseness. Here are some basic home remedies for Hoarseness. Use these home remedies for Hoarseness and sore throat mentioned below in Hoarseness or sore throat treatment.
1 Apply some Mulethi / Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza Glabra) powder on Betel Leaf and suck gently. It is very effective in Hoarseness treatment and also cure sore throat problems.
2 Chew 4-5 Kali Mirch (Peppercorns) with Batasha- There is sweet biscuit of white color in night. It will cure Hoarseness, cough and cold problems.
3 Gargle with warm water by mixing some salt in water in Hoarseness treatment.
In ayurvedic home remedies for sore throat you can use these home remedies to cure sore throat.
1 Boil the Tej Patta (Indian bay leaf, bay leaf) in water and gargling to cure sore throat.
2 Rammed the onion and mix some Jeera (Black Cumin) and saindhava namak (Rock salt). Eat it in sore throat treatment.
3 Mix some natural honey and loaf sugar in Gourd extract. Use this home remedy for sore throat to get rid from sore throat.
4 Shahtoot  (Mulberry) juice is also very useful in sore throat treatment.
Use these ayurvedic home remedies for sore throat to cure sore throat problems. These are basic home remedies for sore throat and everyone can apply these in sore throat treatment.

Home Remedies For Acne

We are describing some Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Acne that provides you clean and clear scar free skin. Acne will make your face worst. Acne is a skin disease that causes pimples, red, inflamed skin spots, whiteheads and blakheads etc. Every woman wants a neat and clean scar free glowing face. Ayurveda provides you best treatment for every type severe acne with Home Remedies for Acne. The best 7 Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Acne are as below:

Home Remedies For Acne

1 Rub the Jaiphal (Nutmeg) and Lal Chandan (Red Sandal wood) in water. Prepare a paste and apply this paste on face to get rid of acne.
2 Mix 1/4th part of lemon extract, some Haldi / Haridra (Turmeric, Curcuma longa) powder and a little amount of salt. Warm this mixture with some warm water and prepare paste. Apply this paste on face and wait to dry paste. Wash the face with cold water gently. It is one effective in all Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Acne and Use this home remedy once a week to get rid of acne.
3 Grind the root of Neem/nimb (Azadirachta indica) with water and apply this paste on face to destroy all types of severe acne.
4 Take the peel or skin or fresh orange and rub on face to get rid of acne.
5 In Home Remedies for Acne, Kakdi (cucumber) is also used. Cut the fresh green cucumber pieces and rub on face as natural acne remedies.
6 Burn the leaves of  Neem / Nimb (Azadirachta indica) and mix this ash with Vaseline. Apply this paste on face to get rid of acne.
7 Mix lemon extract with 4 times more Glycerin and rub on Acne to get acne free skin.
These are the best 7 Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Acne that helps you to get an acne free clear skin.
Tuberculosis Treatment
Tuberculosis is the lungs disorder and a bacterial infection. It is caused by bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis so known as Tuberculosis or TB in short. This disease is mainly infecting our lungs and sometime expands to other organs. This tuberculosis bacteria kills the tissue of infected organs. This disease affected a healthy person when he gets into contact with an infected person of TB by breathing or when he was coughing. This is the primary TB stage and easily curable by proper treatment. Cough with mucus, cough with blood, Chest pain, fever, fatigue, weight loss and weak immune system are the primary symptom. In primary symptom, when any one suffered with regular cough from 3-4 weak then that person have to go for a Tuberculosis diagnosis. Tuberculosis or TB is a curable disease but without proper treatment this chronic infection disease causes to death. In ayurveda there are some primary Tuberculosis treatment that are very helpful. Apply these ayurvedic home remedies for Tuberculosis (TB) and cure this disease. These ayurvedic home remedies for Tuberculosis treatment are mentioned as below:
Tuberculosis Treatment
1 Tuberculosis patients daily eat 5 Khajoor (Date palm) fruits with milk 4 times a day in Tuberculosis treatment.
2 Tuberculosis patients eat half kilogram grapes daily as a ayurvedic home remedy for Tuberculosis (TB).
3 Take 15 Tulsi (Holy basil, Ocimum sanctum) leaves, half spoon salt and Jeera (Black Cumin). Prepare the small pills with lemon extract and use twice a day. Use this remedy for 45-60 days to end Tuberculosis.
4 Daily use mixture of mango juice one glass with natural honey twice a day. Use it in morning and in evening for regular 2 months to cure Tuberculosis (TB).
5 Onion is best medicine or home remedy for Tuberculosis. Use raw onion or onion extract in Tuberculosis treatment.
6 In ayurvedic home remedies, Lahsun (Garlic) is also used as one effective home remedy. In approximately 250 gram milk add 10 pieces or scraps of Lahsun (Garlic) and boil for some time. On boiling well out these scraps from milk and eat. Use this home remedy for regular 2 months to end Tuberculosis (TB) completely.

Or Mix 5 drops of garlic in 10 gram water and use it daily in Tuberculosis treatment.
7 Prepare the powder of 1 part of Dalchini (Cinnamon), 2 parts of Chhoti Elaichi (Green cardamom), 4 part of Peepal (Ficus religiosa) and 8 part Vanshlochn with 15 gram Mishri (Sugar-candy). Tuberculosis patients lick this powder with Ghee (clarified butter) or natural honey for regular 2-3 months to cure Tuberculosis disease.
8 Grind Arjuna / Kahu (Terminalia arjuna) peel, gangetan, Kronch Beej (Mucuna pruriens) with milk. Add some honey, Ghee and loaf sugar in this mixture. Eat this daily to end Tuberculosis (TB)disease.
Use these best Ayurvedic home remedies in Tuberculosis treatment and end this chronic disease.

Home Remedies For Swollen Gums

Swollen gums (Gingivitis) are a more common problem in many people. This problem of mouth is due to lake of regular cleaning of mouth. Some most effective ayurvedic or natural home remedies for swollen gums to cure swollen gums problems are mentioned as below:

Home Remedies For Swollen Gums

1 Boil the leaves of Henna in water and gargling twice a day, in morning and evening to cure swollen gums problems. It will also provide strength to your tooth roots.
2 Grind the fitkari (Alum) and rub this powder on the gums to end inflamed gums problems and it will completely end the disease from origin.
3 Mix Arand (Ricinus Communis) oil with karpoor (campor) and massage gently on swollen gums to end Gingivitis disease or inflamed gums problems.
4 In case of gum pain, Gargling with boil water of Kali Mirch (Peppercorns). It will end gum pain and swollen gums problems both.

5 Apply clove oil on swollen or inflamed gums to get rid of Swollen gums problems. You can also rub the clove powder on the gums to end this problem or gum pain problems.
Use these ayurvedic home remedies at home to cure swollen gums problems.

Home Remedies For Cold 

Cold is a common disease and every year many people suffered with cold when climate change. Seasonal flu and cold are common viral diseases it spread from one person to another. There are some ayurvedic home remedies for cold that provides you relief from cold. These home remedies for cold are:
*Pour 2-3 drops of mustard oil into nose when sleeping. You will get relief from cold using this home remedy.
*Chew three- four leaf of betel to get relief from cold.
*Some people are gripped by cold time after time. In that case drink little warm Mausami (sweet lime) juice by mixing some Kala namak (black salt) and Kali Mirch (Peppercorns). Drink this juice regularly to get rid from cold.
*If you have cold and fever then use this Ayurvedic home remedy for cold. Take 5-6 Kali Mirch (Peppercorns), 9-10 tulsi leaves, 4-5 gram Adrak (Ginger) and 2-3 Chhoti Elaichi (Green cardamom) and mix all these drugs in water and boil. Prepare decoction, you can also mix milk and sugar to make tea. Drink it 3-4 time to relief from cold and fever. This is more commonly used in all home remedies for cold.

*Grind Ajwain (Carom/thymol seed) and mix with onion juice. Massage on chest and back for cold relief.
*Sonth (Dried ginger) is very effective for cold relief. Mix equal amount of Gur (sugarcane juice) and Sonth with one teaspoonful of desi ghee (clarified butter) and prepare sauce like material if necessary then add some drops of water. Lick this mixture 2-3 times a day or in morning and evening. This ayurvedic home remedy used in chronic cold also.
*Mix Kali Mirch (Peppercorns) with curd and Gur(sugarcane juice). Eat it daily in the morning and evening to get rid from chronic cold.
*Prepare powder of Amrood (guava) seeds and take with warm water for cold relief.
*Mix some drops of lemon in tea and drink to get rid of cold fast. For more better results do not mix milk in the tea.
*Mix Misri (Sugar-candy) and henna leaves in natural honey. Make a paste and use in morning and evening to get rid from cold fast and completely.
Fistula-in-ano or anal fistula suffering many people around the world. This condition arises when a boil or abscess erupt in anal canal. It is very painful disease in all anal diseases or disorders. The patient of Fistula-in-ano or anal fistula suffers a lot during defecation daily. To cure Anal Fistula, Ayurveda suggests some common natural home remedies.

Anal Fistula Home Remedies

1 Prepare the decoction of Triphala powder and drink it daily to end anal fistula disorder.
2 Prepare a paste of Bargad (Ficus benghalensis) leaves, brick powder, Sonth (Dried ginger), Guduchi (Gulancha tinospora, Tinaspora cordifolia) and Punarnava (Boerhaavia Diffusa). Apply this paste on anal boil or abscess.
3 Take the leaves of Neem (Azadirachta indica), Til (Sesame seed) and Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza Glabra) and grind with milk. Apply this paste to cure boil or anal abscess.
4 Prepare a paste of Rasont (Berberis Extract), Haldi (Turmeric, Curcuma longa), Daru Haldi (Berberis aristata), Manjith (Rubia cordifolia), leaves of Neem (Azadirachta indica), Nishoth (Ipomoea Turpethum) and TejPhal (Zanthoxylum Alatum) all ayurvedic herbs. This paste is very helpful in anal fistula.
5 Take the ayurvedic herbs Nishoth (Ipomoea Turpethum), Til (Sesame seed), Jamal Gota (Croton Tiglium), Manjith (Rubia cordifolia) and Sendhav Namak (Rock salt) and grind all this mixture. Mix this mixture with Ghee (Clarified butter) and natural honey and apply this paste on infected boil or abscess anal place.
Use these ayurvedic or natural home remedies to cure Fistula-in-ano or anal fistula at home.

Home Remedies For Mouth UlcersMouth ulcers are open lesions or sores that occur in mouth mucous membrane. Mouth ulcers commonly caused by hot foods or edible thing that create a condition of hotness in stomach. This condition of stomach hotness is responsible for common mouth ulcers. Mouth ulcers are painful sores and sometime these suffer a lot. Due to these painful sores patient get difficulty in eating or drinking and even in speaking.

Some people who used tobacco and tobacco products like Pan Masala, Gutkha, Khaini, Supari, Zarda are also affected by mouth ulcers. Tobacco caused mouth sores are very dangerous and transform into oral cancer.
Some mouth ulcers are becomes Canker sores without proper cure. It is very necessary to treat mouth ulcers. Ayurveda suggest some effective Home remedies for mouth ulcers. These are mentioned as below:

Home Remedies For Mouth Ulcers

1 Dip Haldi / Haridra (Turmeric, Curcuma longa) in water and filter it. Gargle with this water in treating canker sores.
2 Roast the peel or skin of Neem (Azadirachta indica) and prepare a powder. Mix this powder with white Catechu and apply on the sore to treat mouth ulcers.
3 In ayurvedic Home remedies for mouth ulcers guava is also used.Chew 2-3 leaves of guava with some catechu in mouth ulcers treatment.
4 Warm 50 gm Desi Ghee (clarified butter) and mix 5 gram kapoor (camphor) in it. On cooling apply this mixture on mouth ulcers sores.
5 Prepare the decoction of Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza Glabra) and gargling to treat mouth ulcers.
6 Apply glycerine on mouth ulcers to get rid of mouth ulcers sores.
7 If you are suffered with mouth ulcers and tongue ulcers then mix banana in curd and eat to treat oral ulcers.
8 Lick the Chhoti Elaichi (Green cardamom) powder with natural honey to treat mouth ulcers.
9 Daily eat one banana with milk in tongue ulcers to treat oral ulcers.
10 Eat betel leaves with applying some catechu on it to treat mouth ulcers.
11. Tomato is also one best ayurvedic home remedy for mouth ulcers. Gargling mouth with tomato extract with water in mouth ulcers treatment.
12. Kalmishora is also one best ayurvedic medicine for mouth ulcers and take a pinch of Kalmishora (Potassium Nitate) and appy on ulcers. You can easily buy it from a Grocery shop. Apply this remedy after 1 hour 4-5 time to get relief from mouth ulcers.
Use these best 11 ayurvedic Home remedies for mouth ulcers to treat oral ulcers problems. Sometime people hesitate to kiss their partner affected by mouth ulcers and come with the mind of mouth ulcers contagious problems of their partner. Now a question arise: Are mouth ulcers contagious?
The answer is NO. Mouth ulcers is not contagious disease and by using proper Home remedies for mouth ulcers you can treat mouth ulcers.

Home remedies for Glaucoma

Glaucoma is an eye disease and refers many eye conditions that damage the optic nerve. It affects the vision power and has four main types as: chronic open-angle glaucoma, primary angle-closure glaucoma, secondary glaucoma and developmental glaucoma (congenital glaucoma). Chronic open-angle glaucoma is more common in many people and others types are rare. Chronic open-angle glaucoma develops with a very slow rate than others. Glaucoma affects eye vision power and without proper treatment is cause to blindness. In Glaucoma treatment, we are sharing some most effective Home remedies for Glaucoma. You can use these home remedies to treat Glaucoma at home.

Home remedies for Glaucoma

1 Grind some Almond kernels and Kali Mirch (Peppercorns) with water and filter. Add some sugar-candy and use this in Glaucoma treatment.
2 Mix onions extract with natural honey 20 mg each and add 4 gm kapoor (camphor). Apply daily in night in eyes to cure Glaucoma.
3 Carrot, Paalak ( Indian Spinach) and Amla (Emblica officinalis) are good for eyes and help to prevent Glaucoma.
4 Mix equal amount of Saunf (Fennel seed) and Dhania (Coriander). Add some brown loaf sugar and use daily 10 gram in Glaucoma treatment.
5 Grind an old piece of brick and filtrate properly. Dip this powder in milk of Aak / Madaar (Calotropis procera) completely and wait to dry the milk. In 10 gm of dry powder add 5-6 Laung (Cloves) powder. Sniffing 5-6 times a day this powder. This is a very effective one in all Home remedies for Glaucoma.
6 Rub the betel nut with water and apply this on eyes to treat eye swelling.

7 Mix Adrak (Ginger) and lemon extract with 9 part natural honey. Daily use one drop as a eye drop to cure Glaucoma. Use these 7 best Ayurvedic Home remedies for Glaucoma in Glaucoma treatment.


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