Thursday, November 6, 2014

power of water

The “Magic Three” Detox Water

With a whole lot of things going on in our lives we do not eat as healthy as we should and if you want to get your heath back on track, the best way to do that is to start off with a delicious and refreshing detox water. Drinking water all by itself is a way to help flush the body of toxins on a daily basis, but with a few simple ingredients you can transform it into a powerful detox water. EHC brings you a powerful recipe with these three magical ingredients to enhance the detoxifying effect.
Not only is lemon known for its antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting powers but it’s also a powerful detoxifying cleanser for your liver and a digestive aid as well. It helps cleanse and alkalize the body.

Mint is great for promoting digestion as well as soothing an upset stomach. It has also been known to help with morning sickness and motion related nausea.

Cucumbers are one of the best foods for your body’s overall health. They are a great source of B vitamins, and will rehydrate and replenish daily vitamins while helping the body eliminate toxins. They can also be used to soothe skin irritations, fight cancer, relieve bad breath, aids in weight loss, promotes joint health, and aids in digestion.

Detox Recipe

Ingredients are 1/2 cucumber, 1-2 lemons, fresh mint leaves (about 10 leaves or so), distilled or filtered water (don’t use tap water, we are detoxifying here!).
This recipe doesn’t have to be exact, so feel free to alter it based on your tastes. Wash off your cucumber and lemons. Grab a handful of fresh mint leaves and place them in your pitcher. Next slice about 1/2 a cucumber, make sure to leave on the skin for added health benefits. Cut 1-2 lemons into whole slices. Fill the pitcher full using either distilled or filtered water. Put your detox water into the refrigerator and chill overnight to let all of the goodness infuse your water.
We suggest drinking this in a day. You can always make it fresh whenever you need it.
You may try and create your own flavor alternatives and be creative. You may also consider adding the following to spice up your detox drink.
One lime, sliced and 1 cup of watermelon chunks.
One cucumber, 1 lemon, 1 orange, 10 fresh mint leaves (all sliced with peel on except mint).
One cup strawberries, 2 cups watermelon cubed, 1-2 sprigs fresh rosemary.
Six wedges grapefruit, 1 tangerine, sliced, 1/2 cucumber sliced, a couple mint leaves.
The simple, the better. This is a quick way to make your water healthier for you. This can be used as part of a plan to detox the body a little bit each day.

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