Saturday, November 29, 2014

Joint Pain Naturally


According to a 2011 Pain Medicine study using ginger to see its effectiveness on pain, wrote that researchers had used different dosages and types of ginger (alone or with other substances such as glucosamine) but couldn’t determine the effectiveness of ginger.
Though the researchers did credit ginger’s reported health benefits to the various volatile oils, especially gingerols and shagaols, which give ginger its bite.Ginger is better than ibuprofen [without the side effects or toxins on the liver] in relieving pain.
The recommended dosage suggested is no more than 4 grams of ginger daily, from food and supplements. That would equal to 2 thin slices of fresh or candied ginger (1 inch in diameter), 2 teaspoons of chopped fresh ginger or the equivalent in ginger capsules (1,000 milligrams equals 1 gram).
For precautionary reasons, if any of the following apply to you, ask your health care provider before using ginger medicinally: pregnant or breastfeeding, have diabetes or take blood thinners such as aspirin or warfarin.

Fruits that eliminate Joint Pain

Fruits are a way to eliminate joint pain naturally. The vitamins of fruits or also known as antioxidants which work to reduce inflammation in the body, in turn alleviating joint pain. The following are some great fruits to eat to manage joint pain.
Blueberries contain high levels of anthocyanin, a phytonutrient that helps with production of collagen production. How so? Collagen is a protein that helps strengthen cartilage and helps hold body tissue together. Collagen keeps bones strong, including joints, helping to create a healthy skeleton.Eating a cup of these berries (fresh or frozen) daily can be a protection against tissue damage.
Strawberries have shown to help lower levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in the blood. CRP is a measure of inflammation in the body, and it is inflammation that is causing the joint pain.
 Cherries contain high amounts of phytochemicals that reduce inflammation. Tart cherries in particular, may be even higher in anthocyanin than blueberries.
- Apples are rich in antioxidants and have shown to help lower levels of C-reactive protein. The most beneficial substances of the apple are found in the peel, so make sure to eat the peel as well.
- Rhubarb is a good source of calcium, which is vital to skeletal bone strength and health. Steaming rhubarb can provide your body with more usable calcium than if it is eaten raw.

Vegetables for Joint Pain

 cauliflower is a great help for those who suffer joint pain. The vegetable has anti-inflammatory nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, selenium and vitamin K. Cauliflower has indole-3-carbinol, a molecule believed to prevent inflammation.

Olive and Avocado Oils for Joint Pain

 3 ½ tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil equates to 200 mg of ibuprofen. Avocado oil can also eliminate joint pain naturally, as it contains the anti-inflammatory vitamin-E and good fats that protect cells from oxidation, that can lead to joint pain.

Cinnamon and Honey for Joint Pain

 A tablespoon of both cider vinegar and honey mixed with warm water and taken a few times a day can help relieve joint pain, such as that caused by arthritis.
Medical studies performed in 2008 and publish in the Bio-organic and Medicinal Chemistry, studied cinnamon for joint pain relief and its possible effects on bone disease and damage as a result of rheumatoid arthritis. The article states that bone damage is caused by increased activity by cells known as osteoclasts that break down bones for resorption. The study showed that cinnamon slowed the activity and reduced bone damage.

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